Why be the braggart of Europe, when you can be its center?! In 1989, the French National Geographic Institute determined that the geographical center of Europe was right here in Lithuania, 26 kilometers north of Vilnius. We have to admit, no one wants to walk such a distance, though having driven here, you will find your feet unconsciously carrying you about the surroundings. It is so beautiful here. The geographical center is marked by a stone weighing 9 tons, while nearby loom oak trees planted by Lithuanian leaders, green forests, a blue Girija lake, Bernotai Hill and Alkakalnis – special old pagan burial sites. It is speculated, that in I-V c., a defensive castle stood atop Bernotai Hill. Archeologists have found stripe debossed ceramics, moulded and processed here. Maybe you can stumble upon some ceramic works yourself? The open air exhibition is open to visitors at any time of the day, all year round.