Do you know the feeling when the right melody creates the perfect holiday atmosphere? Of course you do! And if not, you will find out about it if you come to Vilnius during winter. For a pleasant anticipation of a special holiday, don’t miss the Christopher’s Christmas events. While people are decorating their houses with festive decorations, Vilnius is packing impressive musical presents: romantic waltzes and sensual arias, dreamy nocturnes and energetic operettas. Not even forgetting rock ballads with artistic improvisations. After all, the holidays are even more fun and memorable when your heart is singing. So, go ahead, give yourself a present and meet us amidst incredible music, adding another thing to your list of winter miracles. And you can add lots more by also visiting the Christmas in the Capital events. Without going too much into detail about these, we will merely mention that Christmas tree, central to the festival, was named the most beautiful in Europe.